The law of identity of science is the value neutrality, it has be historical. 科学本身规律是价值中立,具有一定历史及现实意义。
In the present China, the concept of criminal justice should include the supremacy of the law, respect of public opinion, general justice in company with case justice, the co-existence of independent trial, neutrality and the central position of court trial. 就目前的中国国情来说,现代刑事审判理念的确立应当包括法律至上并尊重民意、客观真实与法律真实并存、普遍正义与个案正义并存和审判独立、中立与庭审中心并存等理念。
The electronic commerce law should adhere to the principles of neutrality, self-rule and safety. 电子商务法应在现有法律体系上修改与补充并遵循中立、意思自治及安全原则;
This text makes the transition from the society and starts and analyses with the inter-dynamic relation angle of legal changes, and have analyzed the question that the law of neutrality of contemporary Chinese social changes makes the transition. 本文从社会转型与法律变迁的互动关系角度切入,分析了当代中国社会变迁中立法转型的问题。
The relation and cooperation of law and its theory make the social gender and the class model constantly deduced, constructed and strengthened under the banner of neutrality. 法律与法律理论的紧密联系与有机配合终于迫使社会性别及其等级模式在法律中立的旗帜下不断地得以演绎、建构和强化。
How to Adopt Judgment Principles of Management in Anti-takeover Law of Europe& Shortcomings of strict neutrality principles 论经营判断原则在欧洲反收购立法中的运用&兼严格中立原则之检讨
On the other hand, the arbitrator prefers to any appropriate law rules including Lex Mercatoria in the course of pursuing the so-called equity and showing his neutrality position, even challenging the party's autonomy principle. 另一方面,国际商事仲裁员在追求所谓的公平和显示自己中立地位过程中,因偏爱适用包括现代商人法规则在内的他认为合适的法律规则,而对当事人意思自治原则构成了挑战。
Due process principle, was originated from Nature Justice of English law and Due Process of Law of American law, and consisted with procedure neutrality, procedure participation and procedure publicity. 正当程序原则,来源于英国法上的自然正义和美国法上的正当法律程序,内涵包括程序中立、程序参与和程序公开。